This morning I listened to a podcast by two of my favorite authors, Jen Hatmaker and Brene Brown. The topic of joy came up, which is something I’ve been thinking a lot about. You may have seen some of my posts about joy over on Instagram lately. I’m curious to know what you think when you hear ...
Relationship Reboot
If you’re part of the modern world, you own a computer, smart phone, tablet, etc. At any given point in the day, you most likely have at least 5-10+ windows open, multi-tasking your device’s little cyber heart out. Phone calls come through, while you’re simultaneously texting 4 people (that’s not ...
5 Ways to Change Your Inner Dialogue
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Ugh. As a person who loves and values words very much, I have always absolutely despised this saying. It’s simply just not true. We have all been on both sides of hurtful words. Can you recall something hurtful someone has said to ...